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> pdf("g11.pdf");options(width=64)
> #setwd("C:\\Users\\kolassa\\Class542")
> setwd("~/Taught1/960-542/Data")
> #**************************************************************/
> # Beetle data, from SAS documentation for complementary log   */
> # log link, after reformatting to prepare data for treatment  */
> # by cloglog analysis.  Beetles were exposed to insecticides  */
> # and observed for 13 days.  The day on which the beetle died */
> # is recorded, with beetles lasting all 13 days being recorded*/ 
> # as 14.  Sex of the beetle (m=1, f=2), and concentrations of*./
> # insecticide, were also recorded.                            */
> #**************************************************************/
> beetledays<-read.table("beetledays.dat",header=TRUE)
> beetledays$sex<-c("M","F")[beetledays$sex]
> # Starting model with -1 forces there to be no intercept, and 
> # hence effects for each day are estimable.  Effects are
> # discrete hazards, which equal conditional probability of
> # failure at that time given survival up until tht time.
> # Baseline concentration is .20, measired in mg/cm^2.
> summary(glm(y~-1+factor(day)+sex+factor(conc), data=beetledays, 
+    weights=freq, family=binomial(link="cloglog")))

glm(formula = y ~ -1 + factor(day) + sex + factor(conc), family = binomial(link = "cloglog"), 
    data = beetledays, weights = freq)

Deviance Residuals: 
    Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max  
-4.4261  -0.6501   0.0000   0.0000   8.4576  

                 Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
factor(day)1      -4.9094     0.2565 -19.137  < 2e-16 ***
factor(day)2      -3.8503     0.1929 -19.964  < 2e-16 ***
factor(day)3      -3.3698     0.1779 -18.939  < 2e-16 ***
factor(day)4      -2.9518     0.1690 -17.464  < 2e-16 ***
factor(day)5      -3.4331     0.1994 -17.213  < 2e-16 ***
factor(day)6      -4.0470     0.2609 -15.512  < 2e-16 ***
factor(day)7      -4.9112     0.3928 -12.503  < 2e-16 ***
factor(day)8      -4.7281     0.3696 -12.792  < 2e-16 ***
factor(day)9      -6.0845     0.7154  -8.505  < 2e-16 ***
factor(day)10     -6.0651     0.7125  -8.512  < 2e-16 ***
factor(day)11     -6.0427     0.7141  -8.462  < 2e-16 ***
factor(day)12     -6.0298     0.7155  -8.427  < 2e-16 ***
factor(day)13     -6.0214     0.7155  -8.415  < 2e-16 ***
sexM               0.6185     0.1144   5.405 6.49e-08 ***
factor(conc)0.32   1.2599     0.1624   7.759 8.58e-15 ***
factor(conc)0.5    1.6341     0.1677   9.742  < 2e-16 ***
factor(conc)0.8    2.1101     0.1640  12.866  < 2e-16 ***
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

(Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)

    Null deviance: 10509.4  on 462  degrees of freedom
Residual deviance:  1909.9  on 445  degrees of freedom
AIC: 1943.9

Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 7

> #******************************/
> # Interval Censoring Directly */
> #******************************/
> #***************************************************************
> #* Aids data from Lindsey and Ryan (1998) Statistics in Med-   *
> #* icine pp 219ff.  Studies drug resistance to zidovudine, a   *
> #* drug for treating AIDS, in clinical trial subjects.  Drug   *
> #* resistance might be assessed by observing the effects that  *
> #* the drug is intended to treat occuring but a more efficient *
> #* study uses assays, performed on samples collected at peri-  *
> #* odic visits.  Visits were infrequent because of expense.    *
> #* Variables include L, the time of the visit preceeding the   *
> #* collection of the positive sample, and R the right limit,   *
> #* disease stage and dose, and  indicates for moderate and high*
> #* CD4 counts.                                                 *
> #***************************************************************
> drugresistance<-read.table("lindseyryan.dat",header=TRUE)
> # Paper says those with upper bound 26 are right censored.
> # Indicate right censored to ic_sp by Inf.
> drugresistance$R[drugresistance$R==26]<-Inf
> library(icenReg)#For ic_sp
> # Standard errors are calculated via bootstrapping.
> # ic_sp is interval cenoring- semiparametric.
> o1<-ic_sp(Surv(L,R,type="interval2")~D+CD41+CD42,data=drugresistance,
+    bs_samples=10)
> print(o1)

Model:  Cox PH
Dependency structure assumed: Independence
Baseline:  semi-parametric 
Call: ic_sp(formula = Surv(L, R, type = "interval2") ~ D + CD41 + CD42, 
    data = drugresistance, bs_samples = 10)

     Estimate Exp(Est) Std.Error  z-value      p
D       1.302   3.6770     9.747  0.13360 0.8937
CD41   -2.220   0.1086    30.610 -0.07253 0.9422
CD42   -1.490   0.2254    24.280 -0.06136 0.9511

final llk =  -12.47292 
Iterations =  25 
Bootstrap Samples =  10 
WARNING: only  10  bootstrap samples used for standard errors. 
Suggest using more bootstrap samples for inference
> #******************************************************/
> # Threshold models                                    */
> #******************************************************/
> #*************************************************************/
> # Data from http://lib.stat.cmu.edu/datasets/Arsenic         */
> # reformatted into ASCII on the course home page.  Data re-  */
> # flect arsenic levels in toenail clippings; covariates in-  */
> # clude age, sex (1=M), categorical measures of quantities   */
> # used for drinking and cooking, arsenic in the water, and   */
> # arsenic in the nails.  To make arsenic.dat from Arsenic, do*/
> #antiword Arsenic|awk '((NR>39)&&(NR<61)){print}'>arsenic.dat*/
> #*************************************************************/
> arsenic<-read.table("arsenic.dat")
> names(arsenic)<-c("age","sex","drink","cook","arswater",
+    "arsnails")
> # I don't believe that the zeros are really zero.  Data make
> # it look like the detection limit is approx 0.0001.
> arsenic$status<-(arsenic$arswater>=.0001)+0
> arsenic$arswater[arsenic$arswater<.0001]<-.0001
> arsenic$lnail<-log(arsenic$arsnails)
> arsenic$lwater<-log(arsenic$arswater)
> cat('Model for arsenic in nail that ignores censoring\n')
Model for arsenic in nail that ignores censoring
> lm(lnail~lwater,data=arsenic)

lm(formula = lnail ~ lwater, data = arsenic)

(Intercept)       lwater  
     0.2938       0.2644  

> cat('\n Tobit model for arsenic in nail.\n')

 Tobit model for arsenic in nail.
> cat('\n Incorporates censoring, but without exponentiating.\n')

 Incorporates censoring, but without exponentiating.
> library(survival)#For survreg
> summary(survreg(Surv(lnail,status,type="left")~lwater,
+   dist="gaussian",data=arsenic))

survreg(formula = Surv(lnail, status, type = "left") ~ lwater, 
    data = arsenic, dist = "gaussian")
              Value Std. Error     z       p
(Intercept)  0.6965     0.3129  2.23   0.026
lwater       0.3624     0.0485  7.47 8.1e-14
Log(scale)  -0.7255     0.1802 -4.03 5.7e-05

Scale= 0.484 

Gaussian distribution
Loglik(model)= -12.1   Loglik(intercept only)= -27
	Chisq= 29.75 on 1 degrees of freedom, p= 4.9e-08 
Number of Newton-Raphson Iterations: 6 
n= 21 

> # An alternative way to specify the same model.  Express
> # model on the original, rather than on log, scale.  This
> # is the scale we usually use for times.  The log normal 
> # distribution, along with the Weibull, contains infromation
> # directing R to do calculations on the log scale.  The
> # Gaussian distribution lacks this direction, and so the
> # linear, rather than accelerated failure, model is applied.
> # Hence in all cases, nail arsenic is linear in water arsenic
> # on a scale that logs both, and so nail arsenic is a multiple
> # of a power of water arsenic.
> cat("Note the same fit on the log scale\n")
Note the same fit on the log scale
> summary(survreg(Surv(arsnails,status,type="left")~lwater,
+   dist="lognormal",data=arsenic))

survreg(formula = Surv(arsnails, status, type = "left") ~ lwater, 
    data = arsenic, dist = "lognormal")
              Value Std. Error     z       p
(Intercept)  0.6965     0.3129  2.23   0.026
lwater       0.3624     0.0485  7.47 8.1e-14
Log(scale)  -0.7255     0.1802 -4.03 5.7e-05

Scale= 0.484 

Log Normal distribution
Loglik(model)= 7.2   Loglik(intercept only)= -7.7
	Chisq= 29.75 on 1 degrees of freedom, p= 4.9e-08 
Number of Newton-Raphson Iterations: 6 
n= 21 

> #************************************************************#
> # Danger of injuries from lifting, from Peter Westfall (Texas#
> # Tech.)  Data are at                                        #
> # courses.ttu.edu/isqs5349-westfall/images/5349/alr_data.htm #
> # You'll have to convert to unix format if necessary, and re-#
> # move HTML markup tags.  I did                              #
> # dos2unix alr_data.htm; html2text alr_data.html>alr_data.txt#
> # You might have to play with this a bit, since different    #
> # versions of dos2unix alternatively convert in place or     #
> # write to standard output.                                  #
> # Model the number of days lost as a latent normal variable, #
> # rounded to zero if negative.  Important variables are alr  #
> # (an index of lifting) and work days lost.                  #
> #************************************************************#
> lifting<-read.table("alr_data.dat")
> names(lifting) <- c("subject","hours","status","alr","sex", 
+    "age","weight","armst","backst","dynamend","abdep",
+    "shoulht","knuckht","dayslost")
> cat('\n Tobit model for Injuries from lifting  \n')

 Tobit model for Injuries from lifting  
> lifting$status<-(lifting$dayslost>0)+0
> summary(survreg(Surv(dayslost,status,type="left")~alr,
+    data=lifting, dist="gaussian"))

survreg(formula = Surv(dayslost, status, type = "left") ~ alr, 
    data = lifting, dist = "gaussian")
               Value Std. Error     z       p
(Intercept) -112.254     30.655 -3.66 0.00025
alr           14.707      8.759  1.68 0.09313
Log(scale)     4.078      0.207 19.68 < 2e-16

Scale= 59 

Gaussian distribution
Loglik(model)= -121.1   Loglik(intercept only)= -122.8
	Chisq= 3.47 on 1 degrees of freedom, p= 0.063 
Number of Newton-Raphson Iterations: 5 
n= 206 

> #******************************************************/
> # Frailty models                                      */
> #******************************************************/
> #************************************************************/
> # Skin graft data from Klein and Moeschberger Exercise 13.1 */
> # from the KMsurv package data directory.  The process of   */
> # installing the packages places this data into your compu- */
> # ter.  R tells you the location with                       */
> # .libPaths()                                               */
> # Data files, compressed via .gz, are in the data directory.*/
> # The first line of the file is variable names.             */
> # Variables are patient, time, status, and quality of match.*/
> #************************************************************/
> # allograft<-read.table("allograft.txt",header=TRUE)
> library(KMsurv) ; data(allograft)
> #First fit the Weibull model without frailty for 
> #comparison:
> summary(survreg(Surv(time,rejection)~match,data=allograft))

survreg(formula = Surv(time, rejection) ~ match, data = allograft)
             Value Std. Error     z       p
(Intercept)  3.214      0.118 27.30 < 2e-16
match        0.794      0.190  4.18 2.9e-05
Log(scale)  -0.701      0.149 -4.70 2.6e-06

Scale= 0.496 

Weibull distribution
Loglik(model)= -122.2   Loglik(intercept only)= -128.8
	Chisq= 13.27 on 1 degrees of freedom, p= 0.00027 
Number of Newton-Raphson Iterations: 5 
n= 34 

> cat('\n Gamma frailty model applied to skin graft data  \n')

 Gamma frailty model applied to skin graft data  
> # The following used to run, but apparently gave unreliable
> # results
> #survreg(Surv(time,rejection)~match+frailty(patient),
> #   data=allograft)
> # Replaced by:
> library(parfm)#For parfm
> # Default frailty is gamma.  Parameters are theta for frailty
> # scale parameter, with shape determined to give constant
> # variance, lambda is rate for exponential and Weibull, and
> # rho is Weibull shape.
> # The Weibull distribution apparently gives a shape parameter 
> # estimate extreme enough to make the fitting algorithm fail.
> # parfm(Surv(time,rejection)~match,cluster="patient",
> #   dist="weibull", frailty="gamma",data=allograft)
> parfm(Surv(time,rejection)~match,cluster="patient",
+    dist="exponential", frailty="gamma",data=allograft)

Frailty distribution: gamma 
Baseline hazard distribution: Exponential 
Loglikelihood: -130.194 

       ESTIMATE SE    p-val  
theta   0.000   0.362        
lambda  0.041   0.012        
match  -0.797   0.394 0.043 *
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Kendall's Tau: 0 
> # Compare with Cox model with frailty
> summary(coxph(Surv(time,rejection)~match+cluster(patient),
+    data=allograft))
coxph(formula = Surv(time, rejection) ~ match, data = allograft, 
    cluster = patient)

  n= 34, number of events= 29 

         coef exp(coef) se(coef) robust se     z Pr(>|z|)   
match -1.0966    0.3340   0.4397    0.3931 -2.79  0.00527 **
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

      exp(coef) exp(-coef) lower .95 upper .95
match     0.334      2.994    0.1546    0.7217

Concordance= 0.629  (se = 0.046 )
Likelihood ratio test= 6.84  on 1 df,   p=0.009
Wald test            = 7.78  on 1 df,   p=0.005
Score (logrank) test = 6.76  on 1 df,   p=0.009,   Robust = 5.36  p=0.02

  (Note: the likelihood ratio and score tests assume independence of
     observations within a cluster, the Wald and robust score tests do not).
> #Penalized frailty models will be investigated in R using 
> #frailtypack.  If you need to, install using
> #install.packages("frailtypack")
> library(frailtypack)#For frailtyPenal giving frailty for PH;
> #Frailty model using spline for hazard function.
> frailtyPenal(Surv(time,rejection)~match+cluster(patient),
+    data=allograft,n.knots=5,kappa=0.1)

Be patient. The program is computing ... 
The program took 0 seconds 
frailtyPenal(formula = Surv(time, rejection) ~ match + cluster(patient), 
    data = allograft, n.knots = 5, kappa = 0.1)

  Shared Gamma Frailty model parameter estimates  
  using a Penalized Likelihood on the hazard function 

          coef exp(coef) SE coef (H) SE coef (HIH)        z
match -1.76536  0.171126    0.494893      0.494893 -3.56715
match 0.00036089

    Frailty parameter, Theta: 1.65287 (SE (H): 0.666744 ) p = 0.0065874 
      penalized marginal log-likelihood = -113.85
      Convergence criteria: 
      parameters = 1.77e-05 likelihood = 1.19e-06 gradient = 3.09e-13 

      LCV = the approximate likelihood cross-validation criterion
            in the semi parametrical case     = 3.61273 

      n= 34
      n events= 29  n groups= 16
      number of iterations:  19 

      Exact number of knots used:  5 
      Value of the smoothing parameter:  0.1, DoF:  7.00
> #******************************************************/
> # Multiple observations of the same kind.             */
> #******************************************************/
> #********************************************************/
> # VA bladder tumor data from                            */
> # http://lib.stat.cmu.edu/datasets/Andrews/T45.1, after */
> # some reformatting.  Variables are treatment group,    */
> # followuptime, initial number of tumors, initial size  */
> # of tumors, and up to four recurrence times.           */
> #********************************************************/
> tumor<-read.table("tumor.dat",na.strings=".",
+    col.names=c("group","futime","number","size","rt1","rt2",
+    "rt3" ,"rt4" ))
> tumor$nt<-apply(!is.na(tumor[,5:8]),1,sum)
> longtumor<-data.frame(array(NA,c(sum(tumor$nt+1),7)))
> names(longtumor)<-c("group","Number","Size","recur","subject",
+   "Time","Status")
> count<-0
> for(j in seq(dim(tumor)[1])){
+   cv<-unlist(tumor[j,c(1,3,4)])
+   done<-FALSE
+   last<-0
+   for(k in 1:4){
+      if(!done){
+         done<-is.na(tumor[j,4+k])
+         count<-count+1
+         longtumor[count,]<-c(cv,k,j,tumor[j,4+k]-last,1)
+         if(!done) last<-tumor[j,4+k]
+      }
+   }
+   if(!done){
+      count=count+1
+      longtumor[count,]<-c(cv,k,j,NA,1)
+   }
+   if(is.na(longtumor[count,6])){
+      longtumor[count,6]<-tumor[j,2]-last
+      longtumor[count,7]<-0}
+ }
> #survreg handles missing values, but frailtyPenal does not.
> clean<-longtumor[(longtumor$Time>0)&(!is.na(longtumor$Time)),]
> cat('\n Gamma frailty model applied to tumor Recurrence  \n')

 Gamma frailty model applied to tumor Recurrence  
> # Again, this used to work:
> #survreg(Surv(Time,Status)~factor(group)+factor(recur)+
> # frailty(subject),data=clean)
> parfm(Surv(Time,Status)~factor(group)+factor(recur),
+   cluster="subject",frailty="gamma",data=clean)

Frailty distribution: gamma 
Baseline hazard distribution: Weibull 
Loglikelihood: -453.692 

               ESTIMATE SE    p-val  
theta           1.041   0.557        
rho             1.027   0.096        
lambda          0.052   0.017        
factor(group)2 -0.301   0.312 0.334  
factor(recur)2 -0.102   0.342 0.766  
factor(recur)3  0.384   0.389 0.324  
factor(recur)4 -0.970   0.475 0.041 *
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Kendall's Tau: 0.342 
> #Cox regression frailty model.
> frailtyPenal(Surv(Time,Status)~factor(group)+factor(recur)+
+  cluster(subject),data=clean,kappa=.1,n.knots=5)

Be patient. The program is computing ... 
The program took 0 seconds 
frailtyPenal(formula = Surv(Time, Status) ~ factor(group) + factor(recur) + 
    cluster(subject), data = clean, n.knots = 5, kappa = 0.1)

  Shared Gamma Frailty model parameter estimates  
  using a Penalized Likelihood on the hazard function 

              coef exp(coef) SE coef (H) SE coef (HIH)
group2 -0.17426779  0.840072    0.199884      0.199884
recur2  0.29613417  1.344651    0.238287      0.238287
recur3  0.97873812  2.661096    0.267199      0.267199
recur4 -0.00141507  0.998586    0.308091      0.308091
                 z          p
group2 -0.87184346 0.38329000
recur2  1.24276395 0.21395000
recur3  3.66296166 0.00024932
recur4 -0.00459304 0.99634000

        chisq df global p
recur 14.7299  3  0.00206

    Frailty parameter, Theta: 5.66983e-10 (SE (H): 1.19313e-05 ) p = 0.49998 
      penalized marginal log-likelihood = -443.48
      Convergence criteria: 
      parameters = 0.000108 likelihood = 0.000318 gradient = 1.93e-08 

      LCV = the approximate likelihood cross-validation criterion
            in the semi parametrical case     = 2.39728 

      n= 190
      n events= 112  n groups= 85
      number of iterations:  8 

      Exact number of knots used:  5 
      Value of the smoothing parameter:  0.1, DoF:  6.00