R version 4.3.1 (2023-06-16) -- "Beagle Scouts"
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> pdf("g01.pdf");options(width=64)
> #setwd("C:\\Users\\kolassa\\Class553")
> setwd("~/Taught1/960-553/Data")
> theta<-(-5:50)/10
> lfcn<-function(theta) return(list(d0=4-(theta-3)^2/2,d1=-(theta-3),mle=3))
> nulltheta<-1
> nullout<-lfcn(nulltheta)
> mleout<-lfcn(nullout[[3]])
> plot.default(theta,lfcn(theta)[[1]],type="l",xaxt="n",frame.plot=FALSE,
+    yaxt="n",xlab="Parameter",ylab="Log likelihood",
+    sub="Second derivative of log likelihood is 1",
+    main="Construction of Likelihood-Based Tests")
> axis(1,at=c(min(theta),nulltheta,nullout[[3]],max(theta)),
+    labels=c("","theta0","thetahat",""), pos=0)
> segments(mleout$mle,mleout$d0,nullout$mle,nullout$d0,lty=2)
> abline(h=nullout$d0,lty=3)
> abline(0,nullout$d1,lty=4)
> segments(nulltheta,0.1,nullout$mle,0.1,lty=5)
> legend(0,-.5,legend=c("Log likelihood",
+    "Square root of length times two gives likelihood ratio statistic",
+    "Level of log likelihood at null hypothesis",
+    "Slope of this line gives score statistic",
+    "Length gives Wald statistic"),lty=1:5)
> #******************************************************/
> # General Continuous Confidence Interval Construction */
> #******************************************************/
> #If necessary, install TheorStat using
> #library(devtools) ; install_github("kolassa-dev/TheorStat")
> library(TheorStat)#For ctsci
> ctsci()
> #***************************************************/
> # Graphical Demonstration of Continuity Correction */
> #***************************************************/
> library(TheorStat)#For ccplot
> ccplot()