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> pdf("g02.pdf");options(width=64)
> #setwd("C:\\Users\\kolassa\\Class553")
> setwd("~/Taught1/960-553/Data")
> #********************************************/
> # Discrete Confidence Interval Construction */
> #********************************************/
> nn<-10
> obsd<-5
> epsilon<-.05
> piv<-(1:9999)/10000
> q<-cbind(qbinom(.025,10,piv),qbinom(.975,10,piv))
> plot(range(piv),range(q),type="n",xlab="pi",ylab="Observed",
+    main="Discrete Confidence Interval Example")
> for(ii in 1:2){
+    diffl<-diff(q[,ii])>.5
+    begin<-seq(length(piv))[c(TRUE,diffl)]
+    end<-seq(length(piv))[c(diffl,TRUE)]
+    for(jj in seq(length(end))){
+       segments(piv[begin[jj]],q[begin[jj],ii]+(2*ii-3)*epsilon,
+       piv[end[jj]],q[end[jj],ii]+(2*ii-3)*epsilon)
+    }
+ }
> abline(h=obsd,lty=2)
> cie<-c(min(piv[q[,2]==obsd]),max(piv[q[,1]==obsd]))
> for(ii in c(1,2)) segments(cie[ii],obsd,cie[ii],0,lty=3)
> legend(0,10,lty=c(1:2,NA,3,NA),legend=c(".025, .975 quantiles",
+    "Typical Observed","value","Confidence Interval",
+    "End Points"))
> library(TheorStat)#For fun.coverageplot, fun.approxnormalci, wilsonpicture
> wilsonpicture()
> #******************************************************/
> # Table of Endpoints for Binomial Confidence Interval */
> #******************************************************/
> coverageout<-fun.coverageplot(10)
> ciends<-coverageout$ciends
> coverageout$mincover
Exact  0.9611270
Normal 0.0099550
Wilson 0.8953561
> show<-round(rbind(ciends[,1,1:6],ciends[,2,1:6]),3)
> for(j in 1:2)  dimnames(show)[[1]][2*j+(-1:0)]<-paste(
+    dimnames(ciends)[[2]][j],dimnames(show)[[1]][2*j+(-1:0)])
> show
                 0      1      2     3     4     5
Exact Lower  0.000  0.003  0.025 0.067 0.122 0.187
Exact Upper  0.308  0.445  0.556 0.652 0.738 0.813
Normal Lower 0.000 -0.086 -0.048 0.016 0.096 0.190
Normal Upper 0.000  0.286  0.448 0.584 0.704 0.810
> #*****************************************************/
> # Coverage of One-Sided Binomial Confidence Interval */
> #*****************************************************/
> ciends<-fun.coverageplot(10,alpha=.1,
+    alternative="greater")$ciends
> coverageout<-fun.coverageplot(10,alternative="both",
+    exactonly=TRUE,cm=.9)
> #****************************************************/
> # Coverage of Two-Sided Binomial Confidence Interval*/
> #****************************************************/
> #Next line is very slow.
> allcoverout<-fun.allcover(10)
> #***************************************************/
> # Confidence Region for Two Multinomial Parameters */
> #***************************************************/
> fun.ellipse<-function(mu,A,cc,n=1000){
+    pi<-4*atan(1)
+    aaa<-rbind(cos(2*pi*(0:n)/n),sin(2*pi*(0:n)/n))
+    return(mu+solve(chol(A/cc))%*%aaa)
+ }
> fun.cscont<-function(n,piv,alpha,lty){
+    mu<-piv*n
+    if(!is.na(alpha)){
+       A<-(diag(1/piv)+array(1,c(2,2))/(1-sum(piv)))*2/n
+       cc<-qchisq(1-alpha,2)
+       eo<-fun.ellipse(mu,A,cc)
+       lines(x=eo[1,],y=eo[2,],lty=lty)
+    }else{
+       points(x=mu[1],y=mu[2],pch=lty)
+    }
+ }
> fun.threecat<-function(n,piv,alpha=NA){
+   if(!is.array(piv)) piv<-array(piv,c(1,2))
+   plot(c(0,n),c(0,n),type="n",xlab="X1",ylab="X2",
+      sub=paste("alpha=",alpha,
+        "3 category multinomial,",n," items"),
+      main="Rejection Region for Chi-Square Tests")
+   xv<-outer(0:n,rep(1,n+1))
+   yv<-outer(rep(1,n+1),0:n)
+   sv<-(xv-n/3)^2/(n/3)+(yv-n/3)^2/(n/3)+(n-xv-yv-n/3)^2/(n/3)
+   use<-xv+yv<=(n+.5)
+   xv<-xv[use]
+   yv<-yv[use]
+   points(xv,yv)
+   for(jj in seq(dim(piv)[1])) fun.cscont(n,piv[jj,],alpha,jj+1)
+   for(jj in seq(dim(piv)[1])) fun.cscont(n,piv[jj,],NA   ,jj+1)
+   levec<-c("Pi",apply(round(piv,3),1,paste,collapse=","))
+   legend(.4*n,.95*n,legend=levec,pch=c(0,2:(dim(piv)[1]+1)))
+   legend(.5*n,.75*n,legend=levec,lty=c(0,2:(dim(piv)[1]+1)))
+ }
> #fun.threecat(13,rbind(rep(1,2)/4,rep(1,2)/3,c(1,2)/4))
> fun.threecat(13,rbind(rep(1,2)/4,rep(1,2)/3,c(1,2)/4),.05)
> #******************************************************/
> #* Confidence interval for real data                  */
> #******************************************************/
> #*************************************************************/
> #*  Prostate data                                            */
> #* From Andrews and Herzberg (1985), Data: A Collection of   */
> #* Problems from Many Fields for the Student and Research    */
> #* Worker, Table 46.  Observations represent subjects in a   */
> #* prostate cohort study, randomized to one of four dose     */
> #* levels of diethylstilbestrol.  Rx records dose in four    */
> #* ordered categories, with 1 being placebo.  Disease stage  */
> #* is 3 or 4.  monfol is months of followup.  surv is 0 if   */
> #* alive after 50 mo, and codes cause of death otherwise.    */
> #* http://lib.stat.cmu.edu/datasets/Andrews/T46.1            */
> #* The on-line version of the data set adds 3 fields before  */
> #* the first field in the book.  Variables of interest are   */
> #* stage, rx, monfol, and surv in fields 5, 6, 10, 11 of the */
> #* online version, resp.  Causes of death are given by var-  */
> #* ious positive integers in surv; I recode these to 1.  The */
> #* data file has more columns than we are interested in.  Put*/
> #* place-holding variables in for variables not of interest  */
> #* between variables of interest.  Data were previously pub- */
> #* lished by Byar and Corle (1977 Chronic Disease) and Byar  */
> #* and Green (1980 Bull. Cancer).  Lower value of dichoto-   */
> #* mized dose begins with blank to make it alphabetized      */
> #* before high.                                              */
> #*************************************************************/
> # If we omit the ones past where the data of interest stops
> # in the "what" list, and use flush=T, R will ignore them. 
> prostate<-read.table("T46.1")[,c(5,6,10,11)]
> dimnames(prostate)[[2]]<-c("stage","rx","monfol","surv")
> prostate$alive<-(prostate$surv==0)+0                      
> prostate$dose<-c(" low","high")[1+(prostate$rx>1)]         
> stage4<-prostate[prostate$stage==4,]
> #*********************************************************/
> # Causes of death are given by various positive integers */
> # in surv; I recode these to 1.                          */
> #*********************************************************/
> prostate$alive<-(prostate$surv==0)+0 
> library(Hmisc)#For binconf
> #Wilson and standard tests are given by binconf.
> binconf(sum(prostate$alive),length(prostate$alive),
+    method="wilson")
  PointEst     Lower     Upper
 0.2964427 0.2583052 0.3376476
> binconf(sum(prostate$alive),length(prostate$alive),
+    method="asymptotic")
  PointEst     Lower     Upper
 0.2964427 0.2566509 0.3362344
> #Exact confidence interval for the probability of survival.
> binom.test(sum(prostate$alive),length(prostate$alive))

	Exact binomial test

data:  sum(prostate$alive) and length(prostate$alive)
number of successes = 150, number of trials = 506,
p-value < 2.2e-16
alternative hypothesis: true probability of success is not equal to 0.5
95 percent confidence interval:
 0.2569521 0.3383307
sample estimates:
probability of success 

> #********************************************************/
> #*          Lotto Example                               */
> #* CA lotto data from Friedman Pisani and Purvis (1998).*/
> #* Only one set of balls is used during each lottery    */
> #* drawing.  Columns represent sets of balls.  Rows rep-*/
> #* resent numbers 0-9.  Entries in table represent count*/
> #* of how often each ball appears.  Each set of balls   */
> #* was used 120 times, and so the expected number of    */
> #* times each ball comes up is 12.                      */
> #********************************************************/
> lotto<-read.table("lotto.dat") 
> names(lotto)<-c("seta","setb","setc","setd") 
> #*****************************************************/
> #* Perform the chi-square test of the null hypothesis*/
> #* that each ball is equally likely on each draw.    */ 
> #*****************************************************/
> lotto$setad<-(lotto$seta-12)^2/12
> lotto$setbd<-(lotto$setb-12)^2/12 
> lotto$setcd<-(lotto$setc-12)^2/12 
> lotto$setdd<-(lotto$setd-12)^2/12 
> lotto        
   seta setb setc setd      setad      setbd      setcd
1    13   22   12   16 0.08333333 8.33333333 0.00000000
2    11    8   10    7 0.08333333 1.33333333 0.33333333
3    16    7   14   12 1.33333333 2.08333333 0.33333333
4    11    8   10   14 0.08333333 1.33333333 0.33333333
5     5   19   11   15 4.08333333 4.08333333 0.08333333
6    12   20   10    5 0.00000000 5.33333333 0.33333333
7    12   10   20   10 0.00000000 0.33333333 5.33333333
8    19   11   12   21 4.08333333 0.08333333 0.00000000
9     5    6   12   11 4.08333333 3.00000000 0.00000000
10   16    9    9    9 1.33333333 0.75000000 0.75000000
1  1.33333333
2  2.08333333
3  0.00000000
4  0.33333333
5  0.75000000
6  4.08333333
7  0.33333333
8  6.75000000
9  0.08333333
10 0.75000000
> # apply adds the contributions by set, only for those vari-
> # ables containing squared differences.
> chisq<-apply(as.matrix(lotto[,
+       c("setad","setbd","setcd","setdd")]),2,"sum") 
> # Use the chi-square cdf function to get the p value.  Note
> # that lower.tail=F gives the upper tail.  Lower tail is
> # the default.  Add this column of p-values to the existing
> # vector of statistic values.
>  chisq<-rbind(chisq,pchisq(chisq,9,lower.tail=F)) 
>  dimnames(chisq)[[1]]<-c("Statistic value","p-value") 
>  print(chisq)
                      setad        setbd     setcd       setdd
Statistic value 15.16666667 26.666666667 7.5000000 16.50000000
p-value          0.08645849  0.001587759 0.5852088  0.05714647
> #The univarite goodness of fit tests takes equally-likely
> #categories as the default, and so the two following con-
> #structions are equivalent.
> chisq.test(lotto$seta) 

	Chi-squared test for given probabilities

data:  lotto$seta
X-squared = 15.167, df = 9, p-value = 0.08646

> chisq.test(lotto$seta,p=rep(.1,10)) 

	Chi-squared test for given probabilities

data:  lotto$seta
X-squared = 15.167, df = 9, p-value = 0.08646

> #*******************************************************/
> #* Number of accidental deaths from falls, 1979        */
> #* World Almanac and Book of Facts 1984 (New York:     */
> #* Newspaper Enterprise Association, 1984), and quoted */
> #* in the Minitab Handbook, 3rd Edn. (Belmont, CA: Dux-*/
> #* bury, 1994).  Falls are by month.  Columns are num- */
> #* bers of falls, numbers of days in the month, and    */
> #* month abbreviation.  Deaths may be influence by the */
> #* weather; scorebelow scores months based on icyness. */
> #*******************************************************/
> falls<-as.data.frame(scan("falls.dat",
+    what=list(falls=0,days=0,month="")))
> falls$score<-(falls$month%in%c("Jan","Feb"))+
+    2*(falls$month%in%c("Nov","Dec","Mar"))
> #********************************************************/
> #* Test to see whether expected number of falls is prop-*/
> #* ortional to the number of days in the month.  In this*/
> #* case the expected number of deaths from falls in a   */
> #* given month, under the null hypothesis, is the total */
> #* number of deaths times the number of days in the     */
> #* month divided by the number of days in the year.     */
> #********************************************************/
> falls$exp<-falls$days*sum(falls$falls)/sum(falls$days)
> tests<-list(                                          
+    pears=sum((falls$falls-falls$exp)^2/falls$exp))    
> tests$pearspv<-pchisq(tests$pears,                    
+    length(falls$falls)-1,lower.tail=F)                
> tests                                                 
[1] 17.69244

[1] 0.08899695

> chisq.test(falls$falls,p=falls$days/sum(falls$days))  

	Chi-squared test for given probabilities

data:  falls$falls
X-squared = 17.692, df = 11, p-value = 0.089

> #*****************************************************/
> #* Perform the test of trend on falls.               */
> #*****************************************************/
> # Calculate the test of trend from Armitage (1955)        ;
> tests<-falls; tests$score<-c(1,1,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,2,2)
> trendtests<-list(                                     
+    trend=sum(tests$score*(tests$falls-tests$exp)),    
+    v1=sum(tests$score^2*tests$exp),                   
+    v2=sum(tests$score*tests$exp))                     
> trendtests$trend<-trendtests$trend/                   
+   sqrt(trendtests$v1-trendtests$v2^2/sum(falls$falls))
> trendtests$trendpv<-pchisq(trendtests$trend^2,1,      
+                                       lower.tail=F)   
> trendtests                                            
[1] -0.9653177

[1] 15460.91

[1] 8798.597

[1] 0.3343857
