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> pdf("g09.pdf");options(width=64)
> #setwd("C:\\Users\\kolassa\\Class553")
> setwd("~/Taught1/960-553/Data")
> #****************************************************/
> # Housing data from Cox and Snell (1980), Example W,*/
> # on satisfaction with housing in Copenhagen.  Data */
> # was extracted from R package MASS.  Data may also */
> # be found at                                       */
> # www.stat.ucla.edu/data/cox-and-snell/exampleW.data*/
> #****************************************************/
> housing<-read.table("housing.dat",header=FALSE,
+   col.names=c("nn","sat","infl","type","contact","freq"))
> housing$nsat<-(housing$sat=="Medium")+2*(housing$sat=="High")
> housing$ninf<-(housing$infl=="Medium")+2*(housing$infl=="High")
> housing$ncont<-1*(housing$contact=="High")
> housing
   nn    sat   infl      type contact freq nsat ninf ncont
1   1    Low    Low     Tower     Low   21    0    0     0
2   2 Medium    Low     Tower     Low   21    1    0     0
3   3   High    Low     Tower     Low   28    2    0     0
4   4    Low Medium     Tower     Low   34    0    1     0
5   5 Medium Medium     Tower     Low   22    1    1     0
6   6   High Medium     Tower     Low   36    2    1     0
7   7    Low   High     Tower     Low   10    0    2     0
8   8 Medium   High     Tower     Low   11    1    2     0
9   9   High   High     Tower     Low   36    2    2     0
10 10    Low    Low Apartment     Low   61    0    0     0
11 11 Medium    Low Apartment     Low   23    1    0     0
12 12   High    Low Apartment     Low   17    2    0     0
13 13    Low Medium Apartment     Low   43    0    1     0
14 14 Medium Medium Apartment     Low   35    1    1     0
15 15   High Medium Apartment     Low   40    2    1     0
16 16    Low   High Apartment     Low   26    0    2     0
17 17 Medium   High Apartment     Low   18    1    2     0
18 18   High   High Apartment     Low   54    2    2     0
19 19    Low    Low    Atrium     Low   13    0    0     0
20 20 Medium    Low    Atrium     Low    9    1    0     0
21 21   High    Low    Atrium     Low   10    2    0     0
22 22    Low Medium    Atrium     Low    8    0    1     0
23 23 Medium Medium    Atrium     Low    8    1    1     0
24 24   High Medium    Atrium     Low   12    2    1     0
25 25    Low   High    Atrium     Low    6    0    2     0
26 26 Medium   High    Atrium     Low    7    1    2     0
27 27   High   High    Atrium     Low    9    2    2     0
28 28    Low    Low   Terrace     Low   18    0    0     0
29 29 Medium    Low   Terrace     Low    6    1    0     0
30 30   High    Low   Terrace     Low    7    2    0     0
31 31    Low Medium   Terrace     Low   15    0    1     0
32 32 Medium Medium   Terrace     Low   13    1    1     0
33 33   High Medium   Terrace     Low   13    2    1     0
34 34    Low   High   Terrace     Low    7    0    2     0
35 35 Medium   High   Terrace     Low    5    1    2     0
36 36   High   High   Terrace     Low   11    2    2     0
37 37    Low    Low     Tower    High   14    0    0     1
38 38 Medium    Low     Tower    High   19    1    0     1
39 39   High    Low     Tower    High   37    2    0     1
40 40    Low Medium     Tower    High   17    0    1     1
41 41 Medium Medium     Tower    High   23    1    1     1
42 42   High Medium     Tower    High   40    2    1     1
43 43    Low   High     Tower    High    3    0    2     1
44 44 Medium   High     Tower    High    5    1    2     1
45 45   High   High     Tower    High   23    2    2     1
46 46    Low    Low Apartment    High   78    0    0     1
47 47 Medium    Low Apartment    High   46    1    0     1
48 48   High    Low Apartment    High   43    2    0     1
49 49    Low Medium Apartment    High   48    0    1     1
50 50 Medium Medium Apartment    High   45    1    1     1
51 51   High Medium Apartment    High   86    2    1     1
52 52    Low   High Apartment    High   15    0    2     1
53 53 Medium   High Apartment    High   25    1    2     1
54 54   High   High Apartment    High   62    2    2     1
55 55    Low    Low    Atrium    High   20    0    0     1
56 56 Medium    Low    Atrium    High   23    1    0     1
57 57   High    Low    Atrium    High   20    2    0     1
58 58    Low Medium    Atrium    High   10    0    1     1
59 59 Medium Medium    Atrium    High   22    1    1     1
60 60   High Medium    Atrium    High   24    2    1     1
61 61    Low   High    Atrium    High    7    0    2     1
62 62 Medium   High    Atrium    High   10    1    2     1
63 63   High   High    Atrium    High   21    2    2     1
64 64    Low    Low   Terrace    High   57    0    0     1
65 65 Medium    Low   Terrace    High   23    1    0     1
66 66   High    Low   Terrace    High   13    2    0     1
67 67    Low Medium   Terrace    High   31    0    1     1
68 68 Medium Medium   Terrace    High   21    1    1     1
69 69   High Medium   Terrace    High   13    2    1     1
70 70    Low   High   Terrace    High    5    0    2     1
71 71 Medium   High   Terrace    High    6    1    2     1
72 72   High   High   Terrace    High   13    2    2     1
> #*****************************************************/
> # Polytomous Regression.  Baseline logit model first.*/
> #*****************************************************/
> cat('\n Baseline logit model  \n')

 Baseline logit model  
> #To make the numbers come close to those we get from SAS,
> #rename the categories to change the ordering. Resulting 
> #effect coefficients will be double those of SAS, since  
> #proc logistic by default uses the -1,1 parameterization.
> library(nnet)#For multinom; Fits the multinomial regression model.
> #Note below that the levels of sat are ordered,
> #but the ordering doesn't matter except to determine
> #which category is baseline.
> multinom(factor(sat)~contact,data=housing,weight=freq)
# weights:  9 (4 variable)
initial  value 1846.767257 
final  value 1821.875901 
multinom(formula = factor(sat) ~ contact, data = housing, weights = freq)

       (Intercept)  contactLow
Low     -0.2585741  0.21744689
Medium  -0.3878994 -0.03978849

Residual Deviance: 3643.752 
AIC: 3651.752 
> #**********************************************************/
> # Cumulative logit model.  First reuse a known technique. */
> # Simple model exhibits different parameterizations.      */
> #**********************************************************/
> cat('\n Binary response for comparison purpose  \n')

 Binary response for comparison purpose  
> housing$oksat<-housing$nsat>1
> glm(oksat~factor(contact),family=binomial,data=housing,
+         weight=freq)

Call:  glm(formula = oksat ~ factor(contact), family = binomial, data = housing, 
    weights = freq)

       (Intercept)  factor(contact)Low  
           -0.3720             -0.1053  

Degrees of Freedom: 71 Total (i.e. Null);  70 Residual
Null Deviance:	    2259 
Residual Deviance: 2258 	AIC: 2262
> library(MASS)#For polr; Fits ordinal categorical regression models.
> #*************************************************************/
> # The following data set will not give us what we want, be-  */
> # cause it will order sat incorrectly.  Recode data to put   */
> # medium between high and low, and add descending to make    */
> # low the baseline.  First fit the simplest model.  This     */
> # should give logits of raw proportions.  Check this.        */
> #*************************************************************/
> #Note below that the levels of rsat are ordered.  Default
> #is alphabetical.  That's why I changed "High" to "Top".
> #You can also do this as an argument to as.factor.
> cat('\n Ordinal Logistic Regression with wrong order  \n')

 Ordinal Logistic Regression with wrong order  
> polr(factor(sat)~1,weights=freq,data=housing)
polr(formula = factor(sat) ~ 1, data = housing, weights = freq)

No coefficients

  High|Low Low|Medium 
-0.4163832  1.0185074 

Residual Deviance: 3648.878 
AIC: 3652.878 
> cat('\n Ordinal Logistic Reg. with right order, empty model\n')

 Ordinal Logistic Reg. with right order, empty model
> # polr regresses with ordered response, and Allows various 
> # link functions.                                     
> polr(factor(nsat)~1,weights=freq,data=housing)
polr(formula = factor(nsat) ~ 1, data = housing, weights = freq)

No coefficients

       0|1        1|2 
-0.6752324  0.4164405 

Residual Deviance: 3648.878 
AIC: 3652.878 
> cat('\n Ordinal Logist. Reg. with added covariates  \n')

 Ordinal Logist. Reg. with added covariates  
> polr(factor(nsat)~infl+type+contact,weights=freq,data=housing)
polr(formula = factor(nsat) ~ infl + type + contact, data = housing, 
    weights = freq)

    inflLow  inflMedium  typeAtrium typeTerrace   typeTower 
 -1.2888275  -0.7224378   0.2061487  -0.5186378   0.5723756 

       0|1        1|2 
-1.5728637 -0.3860317 

Residual Deviance: 3479.149 
AIC: 3495.149 
> housing$rsat<-as.character(housing$sat) 
> housing$rsat[housing$sat=="High"]<-"Top"
> housing$rsat<-as.factor(housing$rsat)
> (polr1<-polr(rsat~infl+type+contact,weights=freq,
+    data=housing))
polr(formula = rsat ~ infl + type + contact, data = housing, 
    weights = freq)

    inflLow  inflMedium  typeAtrium typeTerrace   typeTower 
 -1.2888275  -0.7224378   0.2061487  -0.5186378   0.5723756 

Low|Medium Medium|Top 
-1.5728637 -0.3860317 

Residual Deviance: 3479.149 
AIC: 3495.149 
> library(VGAM)#For vglm; Fits an ordinal baseline logit model and some variants.
> #Fit a separate set of parameters for each transition.  There
> #are ways to add constraints to keep parameters constant from
> #one level of response to the next.
> vglm(ordered(rsat)~infl+type+contact,
+    data=housing,family=cumulative,weight=freq)

vglm(formula = ordered(rsat) ~ infl + type + contact, family = cumulative, 
    data = housing, weights = freq)

(Intercept):1 (Intercept):2     inflLow:1     inflLow:2 
  -1.49466789   -0.41887924    1.21915968    1.30774200 
 inflMedium:1  inflMedium:2  typeAtrium:1  typeAtrium:2 
   0.62669496    0.75794777   -0.40998457   -0.05488104 
typeTerrace:1 typeTerrace:2   typeTower:1   typeTower:2 
   0.47784805    0.58105634   -0.60115316   -0.53792605 
 contactLow:1  contactLow:2 
   0.43049306    0.29566435 

Degrees of Freedom: 144 Total; 130 Residual
Residual deviance: 3470.579 
Log-likelihood: -1735.289 
> vglm(ordered(rsat)~infl+type+contact,
+    data=housing,family=cratio,weight=freq)

vglm(formula = ordered(rsat) ~ infl + type + contact, family = cratio, 
    data = housing, weights = freq)

(Intercept):1 (Intercept):2     inflLow:1     inflLow:2 
   1.50129002    1.02674966   -1.24303691   -0.96303213 
 inflMedium:1  inflMedium:2  typeAtrium:1  typeAtrium:2 
  -0.64223760   -0.64854782    0.43592249   -0.20772988 
typeTerrace:1 typeTerrace:2   typeTower:1   typeTower:2 
  -0.46475755   -0.44850968    0.61632292    0.32335345 
 contactLow:1  contactLow:2 
  -0.43014618   -0.09107075 

Degrees of Freedom: 144 Total; 130 Residual
Residual deviance: 3469.526 
Log-likelihood: -1734.763 
> vglm(ordered(rsat)~infl+type+contact,
+    data=housing,family=acat,weight=freq)

vglm(formula = ordered(rsat) ~ infl + type + contact, family = acat, 
    data = housing, weights = freq)

(Intercept):1 (Intercept):2     inflLow:1     inflLow:2 
    0.1708698     1.0492138    -0.6649353    -0.9476957 
 inflMedium:1  inflMedium:2  typeAtrium:1  typeAtrium:2 
   -0.2185394    -0.6592284     0.5670590    -0.2394053 
typeTerrace:1 typeTerrace:2   typeTower:1   typeTower:2 
   -0.2308818    -0.4458142     0.4356887     0.2999430 
 contactLow:1  contactLow:2 
   -0.3608519    -0.1209751 

Degrees of Freedom: 144 Total; 130 Residual
Residual deviance: 3470.084 
Log-likelihood: -1735.042 

This is an adjacent categories model with 3 levels
> #**************************************************************/
> # Beetle data, from SAS documentation for complimentary log   */
> # log link, after reformatting to prepare data for treatment  */
> # by cloglog analysis.  Beetles were exposed to insecticides  */
> # and observed for 13 days.  The day on which the beetle died */
> # is recorded, with beetles lasting all 13 days being recorded*/ 
> # as 14.  Sex of the beetle (m=1, f=2), and concentrations of*./
> # insecticide, were also recorded.                            */
> #**************************************************************/
> beetledays<-read.table("beetledays.dat",header=TRUE)
> beetledays$sex<-c("M","F")[beetledays$sex]
> # Starting model with -1 forces there to be no intercept, and 
> # hence effects for each day are estimable.  Effects are
> # discrete hazards, which equal conditional probability of
> # failure at that time given survival up until tht time.
> # Baseline concentration is .20, measired in mg/cm^2.
> summary(glm(y~-1+factor(day)+sex+factor(conc), data=beetledays, 
+    weights=freq, family=binomial(link="cloglog")))

glm(formula = y ~ -1 + factor(day) + sex + factor(conc), family = binomial(link = "cloglog"), 
    data = beetledays, weights = freq)

                 Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
factor(day)1      -4.9094     0.2565 -19.137  < 2e-16 ***
factor(day)2      -3.8503     0.1929 -19.964  < 2e-16 ***
factor(day)3      -3.3698     0.1779 -18.939  < 2e-16 ***
factor(day)4      -2.9518     0.1690 -17.464  < 2e-16 ***
factor(day)5      -3.4331     0.1994 -17.213  < 2e-16 ***
factor(day)6      -4.0470     0.2609 -15.512  < 2e-16 ***
factor(day)7      -4.9112     0.3928 -12.503  < 2e-16 ***
factor(day)8      -4.7281     0.3696 -12.792  < 2e-16 ***
factor(day)9      -6.0845     0.7154  -8.505  < 2e-16 ***
factor(day)10     -6.0651     0.7125  -8.512  < 2e-16 ***
factor(day)11     -6.0427     0.7141  -8.462  < 2e-16 ***
factor(day)12     -6.0298     0.7155  -8.427  < 2e-16 ***
factor(day)13     -6.0214     0.7155  -8.415  < 2e-16 ***
sexM               0.6185     0.1144   5.405 6.49e-08 ***
factor(conc)0.32   1.2599     0.1624   7.759 8.58e-15 ***
factor(conc)0.5    1.6341     0.1677   9.742  < 2e-16 ***
factor(conc)0.8    2.1101     0.1640  12.866  < 2e-16 ***
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

(Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)

    Null deviance: 10509.4  on 462  degrees of freedom
Residual deviance:  1909.9  on 445  degrees of freedom
AIC: 1943.9

Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 7

> #************************************************************/
> # Cf. the complimentary log log.  Odds ratios are no longer */
> # given, since they don't come naturally out of the model.  */
> # Intercepts have a completely different meaning and        */
> # won't be compared.  Linear parameters are multiplied by a */
> # constant, approx., and z statistics are similar.          */
> #************************************************************/
> polr1
polr(formula = rsat ~ infl + type + contact, data = housing, 
    weights = freq)

    inflLow  inflMedium  typeAtrium typeTerrace   typeTower 
 -1.2888275  -0.7224378   0.2061487  -0.5186378   0.5723756 

Low|Medium Medium|Top 
-1.5728637 -0.3860317 

Residual Deviance: 3479.149 
AIC: 3495.149 
> cat('\n Complimentary log log  \n')

 Complimentary log log  
> polr(factor(rsat)~infl+type+contact,weights=freq,data=housing,
+   method="cloglog")
polr(formula = factor(rsat) ~ infl + type + contact, data = housing, 
    weights = freq, method = "cloglog")

    inflLow  inflMedium  typeAtrium typeTerrace   typeTower 
 -0.9153805  -0.5333315   0.1266692  -0.3352559   0.4071971 

Low|Medium Medium|Top 
-1.5136135 -0.6620318 

Residual Deviance: 3484.053 
AIC: 3500.053 