Course 960-553 R Package Page

PackageFunctionUse Fits nonlinear constraints to contingency tables.
DescToolsBinomDiffCI Calculates confidence intervals for differences in binomial proportions.
DescToolsBreslowDayTest Tests the null hypothesis of homogeneity of odds ratios in stratified contingency tables.
elrmelrm Calculate test results for exact logistic regression via Monte Carlo.
gmodelsestimable Fits linear constraints to generalized linear models.
Hmiscbinconf Gives Wilson and standard binomial confidence intervals.
MASSpolr Fits ordinal categorical regression models.
nleqslvnleqslv Solves a nonlinear set of equations.
nnetmultinom Fits the multinomial regression model.
PHInfiniteEstimatesnetwork and inference Calculate test results for exact logistic regression.
poLCApoLCA Perform latent class analysis.
polycorpolychor Calculates polychoric correlation.
PropCIsorci.bayes Performs Bayesian inference on the odds ratio.
psychalpha Calculate Cronbach's alpha to measure reliability.
psychcohen.kappa Calculates Cohen's kappa to measure agreement.
pwrpwr.chisq.test Calculates approximate power for tests of proportions.
rstanarmstan_glm Fits the generalized linear model with a prior.
TheorStatbivariatebincover Plots countour plots of coverage of confidence intervals for the difference between two binomial proportions as a function of the two marginal probabilities.
TheorStatccplot Graphically presents correction for continuity.
TheorStatctsci Graphially represents continuous confidence interval construction.
TheorStatfun.allcover Calculates and plots relationship between nominal and exact coverage for binomial confidence intervals.
TheorStatfun.coverageplot Plots coverage of binomial confidence intervals.
TheorStatfun.stratsize Simulates operating characteristic of nested tests in stratified tables.
TheorStatfun.testncp Presents graphically the quality of the non-central chi-square approximation to the alternative distribution for contingency table testing.
TheorStatwilsonpicture Graphically represents Wilson confidence interval construction.
vcdExtraCMHtest Performs Cochran Mantel Haenszel test for the null hypothesis of no association vs. the alternative of a common non-unit odds ratio.
VGAMvglm Fits an ordinal baseline logit model and some variants.