R version 3.6.3 (2020-02-29) -- "Holding the Windsock"
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> pdf("g05.pdf");options(width=64)
> #Examine the parent-child height data.  Data are from
> #https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/T0HSJ1
> #Documentation claims that these are formatted for Stata; fortunately R reads 
> #them just fine.  Tell R that the first row contains column names.
> galton<-read.table("galton-stata11.tab",header=TRUE)
> #First examine daughters.
> daughters<-galton[galton$female==1,]
> #Families have multiple children.  Most of what we will do this semester will
> #require observations to be independent, and so keep only the first daughter.
> first<-c(TRUE,daughters$family[-1]!=daughters$family[-length(daughters$family)])
> fd<-daughters[first,c("mother","father","height")]
> myfit<-lm(height~mother+father,data=fd)
> summary(myfit)

lm(formula = height ~ mother + father, data = fd)

    Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
-5.6346 -1.0986 -0.0422  1.3220  4.7772 

            Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept) 17.10803    5.43661   3.147  0.00196 ** 
mother       0.32877    0.06415   5.125 8.24e-07 ***
father       0.38753    0.05490   7.059 4.43e-11 ***
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

Residual standard error: 1.916 on 165 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared:  0.3288,	Adjusted R-squared:  0.3207 
F-statistic: 40.41 on 2 and 165 DF,  p-value: 5.19e-15

> #Make a nonsense variable by adding mother and father height and keeping
> #remainder after dividing by 4.
> biggerset<-fd
> biggerset$nonsense<-(biggerset$mother+biggerset$father)%%4
> biggerfit<-lm(height~mother+father+nonsense,data=biggerset)
> # Calculate R^2 and see that it goes up a tiny amount.  Note that 
> # nonsense has a large p value.
> summary(biggerfit)

lm(formula = height ~ mother + father + nonsense, data = biggerset)

    Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
-5.6073 -1.0756 -0.0367  1.3495  4.8036 

            Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept) 16.98437    5.50927   3.083  0.00241 ** 
mother       0.32960    0.06456   5.105 9.06e-07 ***
father       0.38900    0.05585   6.965 7.57e-11 ***
nonsense    -0.02044    0.13013  -0.157  0.87535    
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

Residual standard error: 1.921 on 164 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared:  0.3289,	Adjusted R-squared:  0.3166 
F-statistic: 26.79 on 3 and 164 DF,  p-value: 3.728e-14

> # Determine the region to examine for the confidence regions.  This needs to be
> # larger than the cross of the two separate one-dimension intervals of the same
> # level.  Choose a higher level, .99.
> myfit<-lm(height~mother+father,data=fd,x=TRUE)
> # The line above saves the regression matrix as part of myfit.  The matrix
> # includes the 1 corresponding to the intercept.
> bnds<-confint(myfit,level=.99)[2:3,]
> # A simple but computationally intensive way to determine the region is to evaluate the
> # statistic on a grid of parameter values and plot level curves.  Set up a 101x101 grid.
> testout<-array(NA,c(101,101))
> Winv<-solve(solve(t(myfit$x)%*%myfit$x)[2:3,2:3])
> for(i in 0:100){ 
+    for(j in 0:100) {
+       gammad<-(bnds[,1]+c(i,j)/100*(bnds[,2]-bnds[,1]))-myfit$coef[2:3]
+       testout[i+1,j+1]<-gammad%*%Winv%*%gammad/2
+    }
+ }
> # Even though we calculated the statistic over 10k times, it was still quick.
> # The first two arguments are vectors containing grid points on which the statistic
> # is calculated.  The third argument is the matrix of results.  The remaining
> # arguments can be in any order.  Levels determines where the contour will be drawn.
> # The others give plot titles and axis labels.  Note that one doesn't divide the
> # error by two before plugging into the F statistic.
> contour( bnds[1,1]+(0:100)*diff(bnds[1,])/100, bnds[2,1]+(0:100)*diff(bnds[2,])/100,
+    testout,
+    xlab=names(myfit$coef)[2], ylab=names(myfit$coef)[3],
+    main="Confidence Intervals and Regions for Height Regression Parameters",
+    sub="95% Intervals and Region",
+    levels=summary(myfit)$sigma^2*qf(.95,2,dim(myfit$x)[1]-3))
> # Draw univariate intervals on the plot.
> bnds<-confint(myfit,level=.95)[2:3,]
> abline(v=bnds[1,1],lty=2); abline(v=bnds[1,2],lty=2)
> abline(h=bnds[2,1],lty=2); abline(h=bnds[2,2],lty=2)
> # Give the plot a legend.
> legend(myfit$coef[2],myfit$coef[3],xjust=.5,lty=c(1,2),legend=c(
+    "Simultaneous Region from F test inversion",
+    "Separate Intervals from t test inversion"))
> X<-cbind(1,fd$mother,fd$father)
> #Predict daughter height for 5'5'' father, 5'10" mother.
> x<-c(1,70,65)
> # The matrix multiplications on the next two lines give 1x1 matrices.
> # We want to treat them as scalars.  R treats scalars as vectors with a single
> # component, and so convert them to vectors.
> myfitted<-as.vector(x%*%myfit$coef)
> sdfit<-sqrt(as.vector(x%*%solve(t(X)%*%X)%*%x))
> print(interval<-myfitted+c(-1,1)*qt(0.975,dim(X)[1]-3)*summary(myfit)$sigma*sdfit)
[1] 64.35238 66.27052
> cat("Confidence Interval for fit\n")
Confidence Interval for fit
> predict(myfit,list(mother=70,father=65),interval="confidence")
       fit      lwr      upr
1 65.31145 64.35238 66.27052
> cat("Prediction Interval for fit\n")
Prediction Interval for fit
> predict(myfit,list(mother=70,father=65),interval="prediction")
       fit     lwr      upr
1 65.31145 61.4094 69.21351
> attach(fd)
> plot(mother,father)
> detach(fd)
> points(70,65,pch=2)
> legend(58,78,pch=c(1,2),legend=c("Sample Points","Point for Prediction"))
> # Note that the point above is within the observed range for mother's and father's
> # heights separately, but the combination is outside the pattern observed
> # in the data.  This is called hidden extrapolation.  Counterpart to hat matrix value
> # is value from fitted value variance calculation, and indicates a value far from the
> # center based on the structure of the data set.
> c(1,70,65)%*%solve(t(X)%*%X)%*%c(1,70,65)
[1,] 0.06429469
> # Simulated Example of Simpson's Paradox generalized to a continuous variables.
> g<-((1:40)>20)*1;x<-rnorm(40)+g*3;y<-x+.4*rnorm(40)-g*6
> plot(x,y,col=2+g)
> abline(lm(y~x)); for(jj in 0:1) abline(lm(y[g==jj]~x[g==jj]),col=jj+2)
> # A Real Example of Simpson's Paradox generalized to a continuous variables.
> #install.packages("ISLR")
> #I found this example in Ismay, C., and Kim, A.Y. (2019) Statistical Inference via Data Science: A moderndive into R and the tidyverse.
> library(ISLR)# For data set Credit
> lgrp<-.bincode(Credit$Limit,breaks=quantile(Credit$Limit,(0:4)/4))
> plot(Credit$Income,Credit$Balance,col=lgrp+1)
> legend(0,2000,col=2:5,
+    legend=paste(c("Low","Moderate Low","Moderate High","High"),"Limit"),pch=1)
> abline(lm(Balance~Income,data=Credit))
> for(ii in 1:4) abline(lm(Balance~Income,data=Credit[lgrp==ii,]),col=ii+1)
> #A related phenomenon: Lord's Paradox.
> #I found this example in Nickerson and Brown (2019) Emerg Themes Epidemiol 16:5.
> #install.packages("car")
> library(car)# For data set WeightLoss
> #Use these variables from WeightLoss: group, with values "Control", 
> #  "Diet", and "DietEx".  Ignore "Diet" group.
> #       se1 and se3: Self esteem at 1 and 3 mo.
> # Model how self esteme changes.
> summary(lm(se3~(group=="DietEx")+se1,
+    data=WeightLoss[WeightLoss$group!="Diet",]))

lm(formula = se3 ~ (group == "DietEx") + se1, data = WeightLoss[WeightLoss$group != 
    "Diet", ])

    Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
-4.6440 -0.9588  0.2531  0.7788  2.9075 

                      Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)   
(Intercept)             8.4676     3.4875   2.428  0.02529 * 
group == "DietEx"TRUE   2.3148     0.7560   3.062  0.00642 **
se1                     0.4485     0.2340   1.917  0.07038 . 
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

Residual standard error: 1.748 on 19 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared:  0.4408,	Adjusted R-squared:  0.3819 
F-statistic: 7.488 on 2 and 19 DF,  p-value: 0.003999

> summary(lm((se3-se1)~(group=="DietEx"),
+    data=WeightLoss[WeightLoss$group!="Diet",]))

lm(formula = (se3 - se1) ~ (group == "DietEx"), data = WeightLoss[WeightLoss$group != 
    "Diet", ])

    Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
-5.3333 -1.3333  0.6000  0.6667  3.6667 

                      Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)  
(Intercept)             0.3333     0.5593   0.596   0.5578  
group == "DietEx"TRUE   2.0667     0.8295   2.491   0.0216 *
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

Residual standard error: 1.937 on 20 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared:  0.2368,	Adjusted R-squared:  0.1987 
F-statistic: 6.207 on 1 and 20 DF,  p-value: 0.02163

> # The model that adjusts for baseline has an adjustment that is statistically
> # significantly difference from analyzing change score.
> myfit<-lm(height~mother+father,data=fd)
> plot(myfit,which=1)
> plot(fd$mother,residuals(myfit))
> plot(fd$father,residuals(myfit))
> # Examine a data set involving prediction of trees based on girth and height.
> library(datasets)# For data set trees
> pairs(trees)
> #R gives a variety of plots for linear model fits.  Select which 
> #plot using which argument.  Options will be summarized later.
> plot(badfit<-lm(Volume~Girth+Height,data=trees),which=1)
> #Model ought to be Volume= C*Girth^2*Height.  Do this on log scale.
> logfit<-lm(log(Volume)~log(Girth)+log(Height),data=trees)
> # There are a variety of plots one could draw.  Start with the residual plot
> # with nonparametric fit superimposed (which=1).  We will learn the 
> # nonparametric fit later this semester, I hope.
> plot(logfit,which=1)