R version 3.6.3 (2020-02-29) -- "Holding the Windsock"
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> pdf("g07.pdf");options(width=64)
> # Data set ships gives data on # damage to ships from accidents,
> # by ship class and time frame.  Variables include incidents, 
> # counting accidents and service, counting the cumulative months
> # of service.  There are also indicators for type of ship, and
> # indicators for time frame.
> library(MASS)# For data set ships
> data(ships)
> # One might reasonably treat incidents as Poisson with mean proportional to 
> # time in service.  Use a square root transformation.
> plot(lm(sqrt(incidents)~service+year,data=ships))
> # This shows a large outlier.  Perhaps service is incorrectly scaled.
> plot(lm(sqrt(incidents)~sqrt(service)+year,data=ships))
> # Aside from one outlier, variance stabilization doesn't seem too bad.
> # Variability for low fitted values still seems too small.
> #  Fit a weighted regression
> library(carData)# For data set States
> # I'll dump this so I can read into SAS.
> write.table(States,file="statesed.dat")
> # Education data for states.  Variables include region of country, average dollars spent
> # on education per student, average pay per teacher, and some test results.  My use of any
> # of these variables as explanatory does not reflect any belief in a direction of
> # causation.  All of these variables (except region) likely depend on each other or on
> # some unmeasured variables.
> statefit<-lm(dollars~pay,data=States)
> plot(statefit)
> summary(statefit)

lm(formula = dollars ~ pay, data = States)

     Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
-2.12053 -0.37368  0.05311  0.31273  2.43224 

            Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept) -1.62426    0.61666  -2.634   0.0113 *  
pay          0.21976    0.01965  11.185  4.3e-15 ***
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

Residual standard error: 0.7375 on 49 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared:  0.7186,	Adjusted R-squared:  0.7128 
F-statistic: 125.1 on 1 and 49 DF,  p-value: 4.3e-15

> # This should be weighted by population, since average expenditure should
> # have a variance that decreases as the number of observations increase.
> summary(statewfit<-lm(dollars~pay,data=States,weights=pop))

lm(formula = dollars ~ pay, data = States, weights = pop)

Weighted Residuals:
     Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
-298.736  -12.172    7.656   24.821  246.012 

            Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)  -1.1180     0.8840  -1.265    0.212    
pay           0.1968     0.0264   7.454 1.32e-09 ***
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

Residual standard error: 68.32 on 49 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared:  0.5314,	Adjusted R-squared:  0.5218 
F-statistic: 55.56 on 1 and 49 DF,  p-value: 1.319e-09

> #install.packages("EnvStats") if needed
> library(EnvStats)# For boxcox
> #Maximizes the correlation in normal probability plot.
> #Transforms only response and not explanatory variables.
> library(datasets)# For data set trees
> out<-boxcox(lm(Volume~Height+Girth,data=trees))
> out<-boxcox(lm(Volume~Height+Girth,data=trees),lambda=(-200:200)/100)
> plot(out)
> # Unload package EnvStats because we will use a tool with exactly the same
> # name from another package.
> detach("package:EnvStats",unload=TRUE)
> # Via log likelihood
> library(MASS)# For boxcox
> boxcox(lm(Volume~Height+Girth,data=trees))
> #**************************************************************/
> #* IQ and Brain size, from Tramo MJ et al, Neurology 1998;50: */
> #* 1246-1252. Description at statlib says that it is MSWord   */
> #* format, but fortunately that isn't true.  The data file has*/
> #* text descriptions in it, and tabs between columns.  Data   */
> #* lines (and only data lines) start with numeral.  expand re-*/
> #* moves tabs.                                                */
> #* wget http://lib.stat.cmu.edu/datasets/IQ_Brain_Size        */
> #* expand IQ_Brain_Size | grep '^[0-9]' > twinbrain.dat       */
> #* Variables are                                              */
> #* CCMIDSA: Corpus Collasum Surface Area (cm2)                */
> #* FIQ: Full-Scale IQ                                         */
> #* HC: Head Circumference (cm)                                */
> #* ORDER: Birth Order                                         */
> #* PAIR: Pair ID (Genotype)                                   */
> #* SEX: Sex (1=Male 2=Female)                                 */
> #* TOTSA: Total Surface Area (cm2)                            */
> #* TOTVOL: Total Brain Volume (cm3)                           */
> #* WEIGHT: Body Weight (kg)`                                  */
> #**************************************************************/
> twinbrain<-as.data.frame(scan("twinbrain.dat",
+    what=list(CCMIDSA=0,FIQ=0,HC=0,ORDER=0,PAIR=0,SEX=0,TOTSA=0,
+    TOTVOL=0,WEIGHT=0)))
> fir<-twinbrain[twinbrain$ORDER==1,]
> fir$v1<-fir$TOTVOL 
> sec<-twinbrain[twinbrain$ORDER==2,]
> sec$v2<-sec$TOTVOL 
> both<-merge(fir,sec,by="PAIR")[,c("v1","v2")]
> both$diff<-both$v2-both$v1
> # Create reduced data set by averaging over cluster.
> reduced<-NULL
> for(i in unique(twinbrain$PAIR)){
+    averaged<-apply(twinbrain[twinbrain$PAIR==i,],2,mean)
+    reduced<-rbind(reduced,averaged)
+ }
> # Here is the average value.  Note that order is constant at
> # the average, and so we can't look for an effect due to order.
> print(reduced)
averaged   5.905  92.5 54.45   1.5    1   2 1799.385  984.0
averaged   6.010  87.0 52.95   1.5    2   2 1881.300 1031.0
averaged   8.205 102.0 57.35   1.5    3   2 2240.325 1276.5
averaged   7.140  99.5 55.95   1.5    4   2 1858.815 1065.0
averaged   6.455 126.5 53.95   1.5    5   2 1726.170 1052.0
averaged   8.375  98.5 57.20   1.5    6   1 1747.955 1126.0
averaged   6.320  90.5 57.20   1.5    7   1 2077.645 1085.5
averaged   7.610  89.5 56.50   1.5    8   1 2060.740 1393.0
averaged   6.310 105.5 56.85   1.5    9   1 1797.740 1064.5
averaged   7.595 118.5 58.85   1.5   10   1 1872.730 1182.0
averaged  58.2875
averaged  61.3490
averaged  62.8240
averaged 120.4305
averaged  72.5760
averaged  61.2360
averaged  81.6480
averaged  98.6580
averaged  85.0500
averaged  75.9780
> #Examine the impact of brain volume on full-scale IQ.
> #The above calculations made a matrix, and I need to 
> #make it into a data frame to feed lm.
> reducedbrainfit<-lm(FIQ~TOTVOL,data=data.frame(reduced))
> plot(reducedbrainfit)
> #The scale of the fitted values is skewed.  This does not represent
> #a failure of model diagnostics, but is somewhat distracting.
> #Try a model with both variables logged.
> reducedlogfit<-lm(log(FIQ)~log(TOTVOL),data=data.frame(reduced))
> plot(reducedlogfit)
> #This one looks as good as the raw scale, without the annoying
> #high-leverage point.  It also makes more intuitive sense, in
> #that both variables are constrained to be positive.
> summary(reducedlogfit)

lm(formula = log(FIQ) ~ log(TOTVOL), data = data.frame(reduced))

     Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
-0.14635 -0.09923 -0.01418  0.04183  0.22898 

            Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept)  4.95425    2.86648   1.728    0.122
log(TOTVOL) -0.04929    0.40822  -0.121    0.907

Residual standard error: 0.1299 on 8 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared:  0.001819,	Adjusted R-squared:  -0.123 
F-statistic: 0.01458 on 1 and 8 DF,  p-value: 0.9069
