R version 3.6.3 (2020-02-29) -- "Holding the Windsock"
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> pdf("g13.pdf");options(width=64)
> #*************************************************/
> # M estimation.  R seems to use Huber by default,*/
> # while SAS seems to use bisquare.               */
> #*************************************************/
> cat('\n Robust Regression of Systolic After  \n')

 Robust Regression of Systolic After  
> library(MASS)# For rlm
> #**************************************************************/
> #* Data on blood presure change after captopril from          */
> #* http://www.stat.ucla.edu/~rgould/datasets/bloodpressure.dat*/
> #* Variables are                                              */
> #* before systolic bp, after systolic bp, systolic bp change  */
> #* before diastolic bp, after diastolic bp, diast. bp change  */
> #* Example E from Cox and Snell, Applied Statistics: Princi-  */
> #* ples and examples.  First line has column headings.  Fields*/
> #* are separated by tabs.  SAS will give an error with this.  */
> #**************************************************************/
> bp<-as.data.frame(scan('bloodpressure.dat',skip=1,
+   what=list(spb=0,spa=0,spd=0,dpb=0,dpa=0,dpd=0)))
> rlmout<-rlm(spa~spb,data=bp)
> library(quantreg)# For rq
> rqout<-rq(spa~spb,data=bp)
> print(rlmout)
rlm(formula = spa ~ spb, data = bp)
Converged in 6 iterations

(Intercept)         spb 
  3.5014401   0.8693671 

Degrees of freedom: 15 total; 13 residual
Scale estimate: 8.26 
> # Final Weights
> print(rlmout$w)
 [1] 0.7440184 0.7621694 1.0000000 0.7714647 1.0000000 0.9651177
 [7] 1.0000000 1.0000000 1.0000000 1.0000000 1.0000000 1.0000000
[13] 1.0000000 1.0000000 1.0000000
> plot(bp$spb,bp$spa)
> abline(rlmout,lty=2)
> abline(rqout,lty=3)
> abline(lm(spa~spb,data=bp),lty=4)
> legend(min(bp$spb),max(bp$spa),
+  legend=c("Huber","Median","OLS"),lty=2:4)
> #Create a fake data set with an implausible value for the first response.
> cat('Fake example with added outlier\n')
Fake example with added outlier
> bp$spa[1]<-40
> rqout<-rq(bp$spa~bp$spb);rlmout<-rlm(bp$spa~bp$spb);plot(bp$spb,bp$spa)
> abline(rlmout,lty=2);abline(rqout,lty=3);
> abline(lm(spa~spb,data=bp),lty=4)
> legend(min(bp$spb),max(bp$spa),
+  legend=c("Huber","Median","OLS"),lty=2:4)
> # Final Weights
> print(rlmout$w)
 [1] 0.1040508 0.9636992 1.0000000 1.0000000 1.0000000 1.0000000
 [7] 1.0000000 1.0000000 1.0000000 1.0000000 1.0000000 1.0000000
[13] 1.0000000 1.0000000 1.0000000
> # Now do bisquare
> (rlmout<-rlm(bp$spa~bp$spb,method="MM"))
rlm(formula = bp$spa ~ bp$spb, method = "MM")
Converged in 5 iterations

(Intercept)      bp$spb 
 18.0687918   0.7825345 

Degrees of freedom: 15 total; 13 residual
Scale estimate: 9.37 
> rlmout$w
 [1] 0.0000000 0.7885590 0.9973501 0.8138413 0.9968162 0.8826195
 [7] 0.9725022 0.9994477 0.9572922 0.9859642 0.9891965 0.9445466
[13] 0.9630782 0.9753845 0.9412298
> library(investr)# For calibrate
> data(arsenic)
> #Desired model is measured~actual.
> #Estimate the actual corresponding to measured=3
> #Swap explanatory and response variables.
> predict(lm(actual~measured,data=arsenic),data.frame(measured=3))
> #This is not the right model.  Use Fieller.
> mod <- lm(measured ~ actual, data = arsenic)
> (res <- calibrate(mod, y0 = 3, interval = "inversion", level = 0.9) )
estimate    lower    upper 
2.931449 2.603537 3.258658 