About me
Q. Han and X. Xu. Gradient descent inference in empirical risk minimization.
Q. Han, K. Khamaru and C.-H. Zhang. UCB algorithms for multi-arm bandits: precise regret and adaptive inference.
Z. Bao, Q. Han and X. Xu. A leave-one-out approach to approximate message passing.
Q. Han and X. Xu. The distribution of Ridgeless least squares interpolators.
Q. Han and H. Ren. Gaussian random projections of convex cones: approximate kinematic formulae and applications.
Q. Han and Y. Shen. Universality of regularized regression estimators in high dimensions. Ann. Statist., 51, 1799-1823.
Q. Han. Noisy linear inverse problems under convex constraints: exact risk asymptotics in high dimensions. Ann. Statist., 51, 1611-1638.
Q. Han and Y. Shen. Generalized kernel distance covariance in high dimensions: Non-null CLTs and power universality. Inf. Inference, to appear.
*O. Y. Feng, Y. Chen, Q. Han, R. J. Carroll and R. J. Samworth. Nonparametric, tuning-free estimation of S-shaped functions. J. Roy. Statist. Soc., Ser. B, 84, 1324-1352.
Q. Han, T. Jiang and Y. Shen. Contiguity under high dimensional Gaussianity with applications to covariance testing. Ann. Appl. Probab., 33, 4272-4321.
Q. Han, B. Sen and Y. Shen. High dimensional asymptotics of likelihood ratio tests in the Gaussian sequence model under convex constraints. Ann. Statist., 50, 376-406.
H. Deng, Q. Han and B. Sen. Inference for local parameters in convexity constrained models. J. Amer. Statist. Assoc., 118, 2721-2735.
*Y. Shen, Q. Han and F. Han. On a phase transition in general order spline regression. IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, 68, 4043-4069.
H. Deng, Q. Han and C.-H. Zhang. Confidence intervals for multiple isotonic regression and other monotone models. Ann. Statist., 49, 2021-2052.
Q. Han and K. Kato. Berry-Esseen bounds for Chernoff-type non-standard asymptotics in isotonic regression. Ann. Appl. Probab., 32, 1459-1498.
Q. Han. Set structured global empirical risk minimizers are rate optimal in general dimensions. Ann. Statist., 49, 2642-2671.
Q. Han. Multiplier U-processes: sharp bounds and applications. Bernoulli, 28, 87-124.
Q. Han and J. A. Wellner. Complex sampling designs: uniform limit theorems and applications. Ann. Statist., 49, 459-485.
Q. Han and C.-H. Zhang. Limit distribution theory for block estimators in multiple isotonic regression. Ann. Statist., 48, 3251-3282.
Q. Han and J. A. Wellner. Robustness of shape-restricted regression estimators: an envelope perspective.
*Q. Han, *T. Wang, S. Chatterjee and R. J. Samworth. Isotonic regression in general dimensions. Ann. Statist., 47, 2440-2471.
Q. Han and J. A. Wellner. Convergence rates of least squares regression estimators with heavy-tailed errors. Ann. Statist., 47, 2286-2319.
Q. Han. Oracle posterior contraction rates under hierarchical priors. Electron. J. Statist., 15, 1085-1153.
Q. Han and J. A. Wellner. Multivariate convex regression: global risk bounds and adaptation.
Q. Han and J. A. Wellner. Approximation and estimation of s-concave densities via Rényi divergences. Ann. Statist., 44, 1332-1359.
*A. Jalali, Q. Han, I. Dumitriu and M. Fazel. Exploiting tradeoffs for exact recovery in heterogeneous stochastic block models. NeurIPS 2016, 29.