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Zijian Guo

Zijian Guo

About me

I am an Associate Professor in Department of Statistics, at Rutgers University. I received my Ph.D. in Statistics at University of Pennsylvania in 2017 and I was fortunate to be advised by Professor T. Tony Cai. Before that, I received my bachelor degree in Mathematics from The Chinese University of Hong Kong.

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I am broadly interested in high-dimensional statistical inference, causal inference, post-selection inference, semisupervised and transfer learning, and applications to genetics and health studies.

  • Uncertainty Quantification for High-dimensional Models.

  • Causal Inference with Instrumental Variables.

  • Machine Learning for Statistical Tasks.

  • Multi-source Learning.

  • Nonstandard Inference with Sampling Methods.



National Institute of Health.

  • NIH R01LM013614(Co-PI): Semi-supervised Approaches to Denoising Electronic Health Records Data for Risk Prediction.

  • NIH R01GM140463 (PI): Predictive Modeling with High-Dimensional lncomplete Data.

  • NIH R56-HL-138306-01 (Co-I): Statistics Methods for Analyzing Electronic Health Record Data.

National Science Foundation.

  • NSF DMS 2015373 (Co-PI): Repro Sampling Method: A Transformative Artificial-Sample-Based Inferential Framework with Applications to Discrete Parameter, High-Dimensional Data, and Rare Events Inferences

  • NSF DMS 1811857 (PI): Inference in High-Dimensional Linear Models: Methods, Theory and Applications.

Honors and Awards

  • Honorary mention for Bernoulli Society New Researcher Award 2023

  • ICSA New Researcher Award, ICSA International Conference, 2019.

  • IMS travel Award, JSM 2017.

  • President Gutmann Leadership Award, University of Pennsylvania, 2017.

  • J. Parker Brusk Prize, 2016.

  • Section in Epidemiology Young Investigator Award, JSM 2013.

  • Chung Chi College Departmental Prize, 2011-2012.

  • Dr. Chao Yong Chi-hsing Scholarship in Mathematics, 2011-2012.

  • Chung Chi Ivy League Exchange Scholarship, 2009-2010.

  • Caring Alumni Student Exchange Scholarship, 2009-2010.

  • Honors at Entrance to the Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2008.


Department of Statistics
Hill Center for Mathematical Science
110 Frelinghusen Road,
Piscataway, NJ 08854
Email: zijguo(at) stat (dot) rutgers (dot) edu