Basic Metropolis-Hastings

import numpy as np
import math
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

Base chain

Consider a Markov Chain that moves left/right with equal probability:

def base_chain(current_state):
    move = np.random.choice([-1,1])
    return current_state + move

current = 0
for t in range(20):
    print(current, end=" -> ")
    current = base_chain(current)
0 -> -1 -> -2 -> -1 -> 0 -> 1 -> 0 -> -1 -> 0 -> -1 -> -2 -> -3 -> -4 -> -5 -> -6 -> -5 -> -4 -> -5 -> -6 -> -7 -> 

Target stationary distribution

We now wish to construct another chain with stationary distribution given by the following mixture

from scipy.stats import poisson

def mixture(n):
    return 0.25 * poisson.pmf(n, mu=3.0, loc=0) \
            + 0.25 * poisson.pmf(n, mu=12.0, loc=0) \
            + 0.5 * poisson.pmf(n, mu=25, loc=0)

plt.plot([n for n in range(0, 40)],
         [mixture(n) for n in range(0, 40)], c='red', label='pi')

Metropolis-Hastings, acceptance probability

Since the base chain is symmetric (with transitions \(\psi(x,x\pm1)=1/2\)), the Metropolis scheme is defined as follows:

Given \(x_t\),

  • Sample \(y_{t+1}\) according to \(\psi(x_t, \cdot)\),
  • Either
    • Accept the move (\(x_{t+1}=y_{t+1}\)) with probability \(a(x_t,y_t)=\min\{1, \pi(x)/\pi(y) \},\)
    • Reject the move \((x_{t+1}=x_t\)) with probability \(1-a(x_t,y_{t+1})\).
current = 0
states_visited = []
for t in range(100000):
    proposal = base_chain(current)
    U = np.random.uniform()
    a = mixture(proposal) / mixture(current)
    current = proposal if U <= a else current
# Counting states visited by the metropolis chain
states, counts = np.unique(states_visited, return_counts=True), counts/len(states_visited), label='States visited')

# theoretical target distribution
plt.plot([n for n in range(0, 40)],
         [mixture(n) for n in range(0, 40)], c='red', label='pi')